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Dr. Malte Dold


Abschluss 2018


Titel der Dissertation


Non-Standard Preferences, Welfare, and Public Policy


Akutelle Position

Postdoc an der New York University

In his PhD thesis entitled Non-Standard Preferences, Welfare, and Public Policy, Malte discusses the implications of these findings for welfare economic analysis. In light of inconsistent or changing preferences, he argues that it is challenging for the economist to infer theoretically coherent statements from choice data about the exact determinants of individual welfare. He argues that behavioral economics – and the public policy derived from it – should be less concerned with the identification and satisfaction of static preferences (i.e., the outcome-oriented analysis of decision-making) and focus instead upon the conditions under which people’s preferences dynamically evolve (i.e., the procedural perspective of decision-making). Based on his dissertation work, he published three articles in peer-reviewed journals.


Published Papers

Dold, M., and C. Schubert (2018). Toward A Behavioral Foundation of Normative Economics. Review of Behavioral Economics 5(3), 221-241.

Dold, M. (2018). Back to Buchanan? Explorations of welfare and subjectivism in behavioral economics. Journal of Economic Methodology 25(2), 160-178.

Dold, M., and C. Schubert (2018). Nudging - In Which Direction? On the Notion of the Individual in Libertarian Paternalism. Quarterly Journal of Economic Research 87(1), pp. 29-39.

Dold, M., & Khadjavi, M. (2017). Jumping the queue: An experiment on procedural preferences. Games and Economic Behavior 102, 127-137.

Dold, M., and T. Krieger (2017). Ordoliberalism is not Responsible for Jihadist Terrorism in Europe: A Reply to Van der Walt (2016). New Perspectives 25(2), pp. 105 115.

Dold, M., and T. Krieger (2017). The Constitutional Political Economy of Cyber Security Property Rights, Competition and Security Nudges. Economics Review - Journal of Economic Policy 97(8), pp. 559 565.


Forthcoming Papers

Dold, M., and M. Rizzo (forthcoming). Old Chicago Against Static Welfare Economics. Journal of Legal Studies.



Dold, M., and T. Krieger (eds.)(forthcoming): Ordoliberalism before, during and after the Eurozone Crisis: Between Realpolitik and Economic Utopia. Routledge, Abingdon.


Book Chapters

Dold, M. (forthcoming). A Smithian Critique of James M. Buchanan's Constitutional Contractarianism. In: Boudreaux, D., Coyne, C., and B. Herzberg (eds.): Interdisciplinary Studies of the Market Order: The Political Process and Political Order. Rowman and Little eld International Ltd, New York.

Dold, M., and T. Krieger (2017). Competition or Conflict? Beyond Traditional Ordo-Liberalism. In: Joerges, C., and J. Hien (eds.): Ordoliberalism: An Irritating German Idea. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 245 260.

Dold, M., and T. Krieger (2017). Informationelle Selbstbestimmung aus ordnungsökonomischer Sicht. In: Friedewald, M., J. Lamla, and A. Roÿnagel (eds.): Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im digitalen Wandel. Springer-Vieweg, Wiesbaden, pp. 181 198.

Dold, M. (2016). Condorcet's Jury Theorem as a Rational Justification of Soft Paternalistic Consumer Policies. In: Mathis, K., and A. Tor (eds.): Nudging Possibilities, Limitations and Applications in European Law and Economics. Springer International Publishing, pp. 39 58.


Book Reviews

Dold, M. (forthcoming): Ordoliberalism - quo vadis? Ideas for a renewal of an ordoliberal theory of the political order. The Ordo Yearbook of Economic and Social Order 69(1).


Work in Progress

Dold, M., and M. Petersen. Moral Learning and Constitutional Choice: An Unresolved Tension in James Buchanan's Classical Liberal Project.

Dold, M., and Lewis, P. James Buchanan on the Nature of Choice: Ontology, Artifactual Man, and the Constitutional Moment in Political Economy.

Delmotte, Ch., and M. Dold. Why is preference change welfare-increasing? An evolutionary explanation of an economic puzzle.

Dold, M. Revisiting the Dependence Effect in Light of Behavioral Economic Evidence.



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