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Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger
Wilfried Guth-Stiftungsprofessur für Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik

Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 
Postal address: Wilhelmstraße 1b, 79085 Freiburg
Office address: Wilhelmstraße 1b, top floor
D-79085 Freiburg i.Br.
Tel.: +49-(0)761-203-67650
Fax: +49-(0)761-203-67649






How to get there


By train:

Leaving the main exit of the main train station, turn right (south) in the direction of the 'Konzerthaus'. Proceed on Bismarckalle/B3 for approximately 300m. Turn left onto Wilhelmstraße, and after about 450m you'll find our chair (together with DB Netz) in an office building on your right.


By car:

Access vie the A5 motorway:

Freiburg is easily accessible from Basel, Mulhouse, Strasbourg and Karlsruhe via the A5 motorway. Take exit 62 (Freiburg - Mitte) and continue in the direction of the city center. When you reach the "Kronenbrücke" bridge, follow the "Universität" signs by turning left on the bridge and then turn left again onto Wilhelmstraße. After about 50m, our chair is located on the left in an office building (together with DB Netz).


Access via the B31:

Stay on the B31 after you pass the "Freiburg" sign, and continue in the direction of the city centre. When you reach the "Kronenbrücke" bridge, turn right onto the second street to get onto Wilhelmstraße. After about 50m, our chair is located on the left in an office building (together with DB Netz).

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