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Talks offered by the Faculty Research Colloquium and the seminar series of the FWW this summer semester

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As part of the research colloquium of the Institute of Economic Science of the University of Freiburg and  the seminar series of the FWW (Verein für Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler) the following talks will be offered this winter semester:


02 July 2020

Marco Wallner

Università Bocconi

12.00 s.t. - 13.00, via Zoom

09 July 2020

Stefanie Armbruster

University of Basel

"Lost in Lockdown? Covid-19, Social Distancing, and Mental Health in Germany"

12.00 s.t. - 13.00, via Zoom

16 July 2020

Dominika Langenmayr

Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

"Escaping the Exchange of Information: Tax Evasion via Citizenship-by-Investment"

12.00 s.t. - 13.00, via Zoom

23 July 2020

Christopher Parsons

University of Western Australia

"Information and Education: Banerjee meets Duflo"

12.00 s.t. - 13.00, via Zoom


















If you want to join a talk please contact Valentin Klotzbücher (

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