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Talks offered by the Faculty Research Colloquium and the seminar series of the FWW this summer semester

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As part of the research colloquium of the Institute of Economic Science of the University of Freiburg and  the seminar series of the FWW (Verein für Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler) the following talks will be offered this summer semester:


09 May 2019     

Mathieu Lefebvre

Université de Strasbourg

Missing poor in the US

12.00 s.t. - 13.30 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I


16 May 2019

Anthony Strittmatter (FWW)

Universität St. Gallen

Religion and Terrorism: Evidence from Ramadan Fasting

12.00 s.t. - 13.00 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I


23 May 2019

Camila Plaza (FWW)

Universität Basel

Swiss GPs and the Financial Incentives of the TarMed Reform 2014

12.00 s.t. - 13.00 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I


6 June 2019

Alois Stutzer

Universität Basel

State-wide Fragmentation of Television Markets and Political Representation in the US Congress

12.00 s.t. - 13.30 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I


27 June 2019

Ingo Sauer

Goethe Universität Frankfurt

(Mis-)Leading Textbooks and the Dark Side of the Central Bank's Balance Sheet: Why Economists do not understand the Risks involved in the Target Balances

12.00 s.t. - 13.30 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I

4 July 2019

Alessandro Belmonte

IMT Lucca & University of Warwick

The Legacy of Forced Assimilation Policies: Entry Barriers in the Labor Market and Anti-German Sentiments in South Tyrol

12.00 s.t. - 13.30 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I


11 July 2019

Marco Wallner (FWW)


Università Bocconi

Peer Review Accurancy across Disciplines

12.00 s.t. - 13.00 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I

18 July 2019

David Kelsey

University of Exeter

A Test of Dynamic Consistency and Consequentialism in the Presence of Ambiguity

12.00 s.t. - 13.30 Uhr, Room: HS 1142, KG I


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